Let God and Let Go

It is a humbling realisation that some of the biggest messes we have made in life occurred when we thought we were in control or desperately grasping for control. Our efforts to cling and control often lead to disappointment and failure.

True obedience to God requires us to continually lay aside our own plans and desires. In order to fully live with Christ, we must daily die to ourselves and surrender our lives to Him.

God perfect plan for our lives is bring us into His abundant life and connect us with His eternal life, as the Spirit and the Son share, not only in heaven as well in the present moment and in all of our experiences (John 10:10). All of us who have made Jesus Christ the Lord of our lives have access to this abundant life. Although many of us are unable to recognise it or completely experience it, it is not something that God has concealed or made difficult to obtain.

In order for His life to become our life, His strength to become our strength, and His love to become our love, we may still need to learn how to abide in Him and live in oneness with Him. The key is to completely trust God to accomplish what we are unable to accomplish on our own by working in and through us.

Jesus tells us, "Abide in me as I abide in you. Join your life to mine, and my life will be yours." This is the secret Jesus offers us—the key to our fulfillment, great joy, and deep contentment. The effort lies in surrendering our own will and desires to align with God's perfect plan.

This abundant life is not something to be earned but received as a gift—the gift of living in union with God. It brings freedom, authority, and a pouring out of joy when we wholeheartedly say "YES" to God.

Surrendering to God is more than a mere physical posture; it is letting go of our abilities, personal preferences, and expectations of how God will call or use us. It is an invitation from God to stop trying to do things in our own strength and to die to our pride, ambitions, pain, faults, and fears.

Today, I encourage you to move beyond being a committed Christian and embrace being a surrendered Christian. Live in His presence, for in doing so, you will discover a path that leads to peace, contentment, joy, and delight.

If you find yourself struggling with total surrender to God, I urge you to have an honest conversation with Him. Pour out your heart and express your struggles, doubts, and fears. God understands and longs to help you find the freedom that comes with surrender.

Remember, true surrender to God is displayed in obeying even when it seems most difficult. This act of surrender awakens God's Spirit within us and humbles our pride and flesh.

Let us pray together, saying, "Our Father, may Your will be done in our lives as it is in heaven."

In the beautiful act of surrender, we find the abundant life that Christ offers—a life of peace, contentment, joy, and a deepening relationship with our Heavenly Father.

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